Well, December 2016 has come and has almost gone. And I almost forgot that it was in December 1986, 30 years ago, that Fred and I, along with our dad, took over as owners of this company.
A big anniversary for us and, I would say it seems almost like yesterday, but that wouldn’t be correct. I honestly don’t remember much from those days and that’s probably for the best. What I do remember was that those were not exactly the best (read “profitable”) times. We were barely making payroll week to week.
There have been an awful lot of water and metal chips under that bridge. But we’re still here, leaner and meaner than ever. (actually, we’re really not mean-we’re sweethearts-it least Fred is:)
And we still love what we do which is cut metal and make parts that make planes, helicopters, buildings, ships, tanks and tools work.
And as we cross this substantial threshold and move into a new year, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has made 30 years of STC possible; our customers, our suppliers, and last, but definitely not least, our employees, current and past, every last one.
Wishing everyone a healthy, happy holiday season and successful new year in 2017.
Rock on!